We had a new litter of French Angora babies born during our recent snow storm! Their mother is aptly named "Snow Mist"; I will have to come up with "snowy" names for these babies! There are 7 kits, born December 20, and all seven are doing great.

The mother, a REW with 2 legs toward her Grand Championship, is Spanish Oaks Snow Mist, and the father is Spang's D'Artagnan, a sable pearl with 6 Grand Champion legs.
What colors will they be? At just 2 days old, some shading is clearly visible on the 2 at the top; the three on the right look like they are going to be white, but the one farthest to the left - white or not? (One is hiding under the pile.) I'm still developing my eye for color identification, so at this point I'm still guessing.


At about a week old, the color patterns on the 2 that are clearly not white are emerging. The darker one looks like a sable pearl, and the lighter one (top left) looks like a pearl, but I can't tell which flavor! Will have to wait to see how the color develops - and the eye color - to make a dertermination. No color or shading developing on any of the others, so they look to be REW's.

At two weeks of age, they are starting to look and act more like bunnies! Their eyes are open - although they are singularly uncooperative at letting me have a good look at eye color, invariably squeezing their eyes tight shut whenever I pick them up! It's too soon to tell much about the light pearl's eye color anyway; I've taken to calling that little one "Smudge", since for a while he/she looked like the whites, just a bit "smudged".... At this point, they are much more active, and close to learning how to jump out of the nest box. At first, baby bunnies consistently seek out each other and coalesce into a pile whenever they are not nursing, but at this stage they are beginning to get curious about their sourroundings, and to go off individually to explore. Very entertaining!